Enchanted Backpack will support the following schools in the 2024-2025 school year:
(updated on an ongoing basis)
Morton Elementary School - Chicago
CICS Loomis Primary - Chicago
CICS Longwood Elementary - Chicago
Tarkington School of Excellence - Chicago
St. Ailbe School - Chicago
21st Century Primary Center - Park Forest
Paul Revere Intermediate School - Blue Island​
Neil Armstrong Elementary School - Richton Park
Paul Revere Elementary School - Chicago
Hoover Elementary School - Calumet City
Crete-Monee Middle School - University Park
Washington Irving Elementary - Hammond, IN
James Farmer Jr. Elementary School - Chicago
Blackhawk Primary Center - Park Forest
Mohawk Primary Center - Park Forest
Barack Obama School of Leadership and STEM - Chicago Heights
Robert C. Hill Elementary School - Romeoville
Thomas Edison Elementary School - Hammond, IN
Paul Cuffe MST Academy - Chicago
Piccolo School of Excellence - Chicago
Harvard Elementary School - Chicago